About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Assignment 1 Part 3 - Text Adventure Rising

//Thought I'd write an update so far. I'm basically at the point now where I can get started on the //actual adventure, for all it is worth. I don't think I'm going to be able to make too much... man.

//If I'd known what I know today over the weekend.

//Martin was kind enough to look over the massive amount of code in the program I put together over //the weekend, and showed me an alternative way to achieve the same aim without the sheer amount //of lines I'd used... and sitting at a far more respectable 1000 lines, it functions exactly the same way. //It really has been amazing to see how much more efficient one can be with just a /little/ extra //knowledge.

//Making an int for the number of questions asked and increasing it's number by one for each //question answered was truely beautiful... so of course, I have to thank Martin heartily for helping //me improve my work. I was able to complete the rest of the character customization, as well as //create a seperate loop at the beginning of the game that would allow me to offer the option of //starting with a default character instead of going through the customization. (Well... most of it. It //ties in nicely with the last customization loop which allows the player to start the game or reset their //customization and start over).

//So now it is onto the game proper. I know I'm probably not going to manage anything particularly //long (if I can even achieve THAT), which means that I'm going to focus more on making those //decisions made at the start of the game visible.

//I've also been inspired by the brief coding exercise at the start of Tuesday's lesson. I wish I'd written //it down, because ugh... I got the greatest idea for a little sequence where a player has to escape //within a certain number of turns, and if they don't make it, GAME OVER. Hmm...

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