About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Thursday 18 April 2013

Assignment 3 - Magic Conclusion

Because I didn't get much chance to even announce the last assignment, nor go through the work process. Something about programming has made keeping this blog up to date surprisingly difficult. Then again, I suppose there isn't really a lot you can show/demonstrate when it comes to programming besides the finished project. Oh well.

But regardless. Our assignment was pretty much a task of expanding upon some XNA based code work we've been doing in class. Adding a healthbar and an option to restart or quit the game, stop the player moving offscreen et cetera.

I've somewhat felt over the last few weeks that we have covered far too much ground in a short space of time, and as a result it was difficult to get to grips with the task at hand. But by plenty of internet searching and assistance from a programming acquaintance, I was just about able to achieve all of the above tasks in the nick of time, along with the inclusion of an additional platform (Seeing as I opted to make the project into a platformer rather than a four directional game.)

I haven't got a lot else to say. I'm going to go back and try to learn all of this work properly in my own time. While I'm not sure whether I'd ever want to focus on programming as a career choice, it maintains a hold on me due to the possibilities of someday being able to produce working concepts of game mechanics and ideas I've been jotting down over the years (more so since I've been on this course).

I digress. Have some screenshots.

Such an imaginative title screen. As with the previous assignment, I included the controls here for the sake of clarity.

This is the entire game right here. A floor, one platform. No items, Fox only, FINAL DESTINATION.

A jump animation was kind of included... and also demonstarting a functioning platform. I had a fair bit of trouble with said platform at first, from characters falling through them to characters walking on air beyond the platform if they did not jump.

I was too indifferent to make meaningful projectiles.

Demonstrating how the health bar reduces as players are damaged by the black blocks

Shockingly enough, there is a seperate game over screen for if the second player won.

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