About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Friday, 16 August 2013

Game Art - Diorama Part 3

It is now Friday, which is roughly 3 days since the first year of college concluded. And I do have to say that as much as I enjoyed doing the work... I didn't realise just how badly I actually needed a break until I had nothing to do on Wednesday. While I told myself I would kick back and relax... I have a duty yet to complete my write up of the Diorama assignment. So lets get to it, eh?


So, onto the texturing. I'll only go into the process of how I turned one of my UV(M?) Maps into a texture that could be applied onto my models, but I will likely show all the finished textures for the sake of pretend enlightenment.

I decided that the best place for me to start with the texturing would be the simplest model, which amounted to the ceiling and floor... what with them being perfectly flat and all. So needless to say, unwrapping was a very simple process. I used a box unwrap.

The unwrapped map. The top square being the floor, and the bottom square being the ceiling. Simple.
 The texture was itself going to be fairly simple, being composed of planks, and seeing as I intended on painting everything from scratch, I had to do a spot of internet searching to find some tutorials to help me get started.  For the sake of posterity, I'll also include the video that gave me the push in the right direction.

For a short video, it was very useful. I am sure that I might well have achieved a lesser result if I'd simply used a stock photo of a plank as the basis of my work, but with that said and done, I wouldn't have thought of adding in a highlight to the grains of wood, which I think really adds to the overall result. It was really one of those things where it didn't look like anything when I started... and by the time I was done, I could safely say that what I had looked like planks.

I had to recycle a couple of plank textures I'd made, simply because I made them a bit too wide prior to this version.

And then the bump mapping. I used a program called Crazy Bump to create the bump map for my texture. I don't really know what else I can say. So have some pictures instead.

And while this may be out of sequence, these bump maps all come together to form  -:

And without further ado... some further screenshots of the rest of the project as I added further textures to each part of the diorama.

I used some custom brushes for the rest of the diorama, taking inspiration from Team Fortress 2 in not making the textures too detailed. Not sure how well I succeeded in suggesting detail rather than explicitly adding detail... but I tried. I /tried/. Afterall, if I wanted to work towards a more cartoon style, to have excessive detail in my textures would be counter productive.
In the next part!...

The final steps composed of adding extra bits and pieces to the diorama, and maybe even the final piece as placed in the Unity Engine.

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