About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Game Art Assignment 1 - 2D Character Art

Not got an awful lot to say about the subject itself so far, what with how surprisingly quickly we burst straight into the first assignment. The first assignment that is frankly a nightmare to me - I have to make myself into a character that is recognizable either literally or in say... traits. Like I said, a nightmare owing to being so far away from being a cool person, and my dislike of idealising myself into something more than I am.

I'm hoping to work on a couple of designs over the next few days. One of which will be a further refinement of Bill Dup, a character that already represents myself and normally cameos on scraps of paper or sketchbook work. Given the fellow has never been finalised, and the opportunity to really run with the Fleischer Studio art style I admire... I think I could do something fun.  I have plenty of ideas for Bill as it is, including his cowardice/nervousness and his occupation of tea making that would lend themselves to a character sheet well.

And after deciding that this assignment could be interpreted in a number of ways, I'm actually contemplating doing a design with a more realisitc art style... on the presumption that this imagined version of myself would be a member of a party rather than a hero in his own right. I feel compelled to do something space based, though whether based on an existing game franchise or something entirely made up, I'm still working on. I like the rougher feel of the future in Dead Space, but I also like the shiny sleekness of Mass Effect 2+.

I'm mainly writing this all down to tide things over until I do some proper writing and include some sketches and drawings. Whoop.

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