About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Game Art - Character Development

Because I figure that writing this here would be better than making notes in my sketchbook.

The first week has now passed, and starting on Tuesday, we're going to be learning some photoshop basics. I know just about enough about the program to know that I have never really got on with it all that well. And certainly I know that I have never really grasped it.

To move a step backwards however, I will be uploading some sketches after the Tuesday lesson. For now, I'm going to write down some details about the characters I have devised based on myself. Because I didn't feel that it would be quite good enough for me to only do one design that I've already iterated on (but never finalised) over the years, I decided to create an alternative based on a vaguely more realistic look. I've gone so far as to imagine game genres as well.

So lets get to it.

Name - Bill Dup
Age - Unknown
Role - Silent Protagonist (Communicates through a pet as well as with expressions of both exaggerated and subtle natures.)
Game Genre - Turn Based RPG/Puzzler
General Genre - Comedy
Occupation - Alteamist (Using the power of tea)
Art Style - 30's Animation.

An individual whom has spent a significant proportion of his life living on the Moon under self imposed exile, Bill Dup is socially awkward and cowardly by nature - although his deeply rooted sense of right and wrong are only just able to counter his cowardice.

After aliens invade the Earth and kidnap his friends, it soon falls upon Bill Dup to make use of his unique ability to unlock the power of tea to try and repel the extraterrestrial invasion. Even if he really doesn't want to be the one to take the lead.

 His actions can appear to be clumsy due to his difficulty in getting on with people, and he is also easily startled in unfamiliar locations.  

Name - Franco
Role - Supporting Character
Game Genre - Horror
General Genre -  Science Fiction
Occupation - Engineer
Art Style - Relatively realistic.

Something of an improviser, Franco has been working on large scale space freighters for much of his life, he has learnt to largely cope on his own and keeps people at a distance from himself - mostly symbolised in the bulky large space suit that he uses.

As a supporting character, he fully cooperates with the protagonist after his trust is fully gained, and he assists in various small ways as required, being nervous about any detours from the chief objective of getting out of the space freighter alive. (I have nothing else to say right now)

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