About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Game Art - Character Development Images Part 2

A minor update to note down changes and ideas that have developed since the last post.

I have more or less decided to focus entirely on the space themed character, mostly because I want to spread my wings just enough to try and work on an artstyle I want to develop rather than playing more safely with a cartoon artstyle I already know I can pull off (Without being boastful!). Besides that, I have found myself rather interested in the ideas of making a heavyset (FATASS) character into an interesting design.

The bulky spacesuit design has also continued to mutate as I found difficulty in making a large domed torso work with arms and legs that could still function normally. I could very well have worked out a method of making this work if I felt inclined... however, my diving suit moodboard I lovingly knitted together with all the tenderness of a man beating a squirrel with a rock... took me down a different route of designing the suit. So this first image comes before I firmed up on the decision that I didn't want to work with a dome shape, and also features a rudimentary doodle of the man IN the suit.

Small sketches from a pocket notebook I carry around for quick drawing during journies

As I started trying to refine the design above into a larger image to add detail and accessories, I grew increasingly irked at how I couldn't feel that the suit was practical... and furthermore, the idea for the suit was increasingly becoming more of a powersuit that would feature additional components for long haul space walks and repairs in a zero gravity environment. I started referenced the diving suit moodboard and started to change the shape of the suit to allow for a greater range of arm movement.

Although these drawings are far from complete, I started to make the domed compartment of the suit more rectangular, and used older diving suits as an inspiration for how to structure the rest of it. I soon decided to make the main arms a lot larger and longer than natural arms for tethering to surfaces or lifting larger objects, and add smaller arms for delicate work. I also started working more towards the idea of the suit being operated like a machine rather than an outfit, both for the character to work for long durations of time in a cockpit like environment, and to have a concrete idea of how any character could get into and out of the suit.

Again from my pocket sketchbook, a design I am more satisified with as well as demonstrating how the suit opens up.

  I will be uploading digital drawings in the next day or two, while right now I'm starting to work out the composition of the final piece due to be handed in on the 30th May. This is proving surprisingly difficult, although I am going to be speaking to the tutor some more on Thursday to discuss what I can do. I'm starting to look at images of spacewalks, which I feel would best reflect the function of the suit. I'm also going to be working on some additional, rougher images of the suit from different perspectives as well as the opened up suit as shown above... afterall, the assignment is about making ourselves into a character and I feel the suit with a visor would obscure that.

I'll have to see what else I can do (maybe add a screen 'head' on top of the suit that is connected to a videolink in the cockpit?) to get this done.

EDIT - Forgot to mention that I'm also considering keeping the suit fairly mechanical whilst being covered in fabric - akin to that on regular space suits as well as what seems to cover the International Space Station. I find it an intriguing idea to follow. 

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