About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Assignment 2, Concept Proposal 1

I thought I'd take the time today to write up my first proposal for this assignment. As I mentioned in the previous post, I've found myself very interested in the possibilities Metroid presented to me mechanics wise.

When I started to work on my spider diagram to generate some ideas, I wanted to avoid simply creating something like a new gun... whilst this would still be a feasible path to walk down if I developed it further, my mind wandered more towards the matter of mobility and tools for exploration. Metroid is as much about exploring and navigating, and half the items you can acquire enhances Samus' ability to fully traverse the different evironments and obstacles the player will go through.

As the mindmap shows above, I decided to mind map and make reference to some examples that exist in game... chiefly the Speed Boost and Grappling Beam. And at the very bottom of the page I was considering a mining beam that would blast through destroyable rock and cut metal objects - For example, mining through rock to create an alternate path or break a platform from under an enemy by cutting out support beams. I also considered a decoy/hologram, to be placed down to distract enemies... though I didn't really develop it any further.

I ultimately thought that a good place to start would be an upgrade item for the morphball... what with it functioning as an exploration tool primarily. From there, I decided to look at how ball shapes are utilized in nature as well as how the same shape is used by people. It goes without saying that Armadillos (Also Armadillo Lizards), Hedgehogs and Woodlice use their curling capabilities as a means of self defence, to protect their vulnerable underside with a harder shell or spined defence to deter predators. I also looked at some wrecking balls and even bowling balls... used primarily for knocking things over, shockingly enough.

My early idea was to create a protective shell that would surround the morphball, rendering it inert but also protecting Samus from harm. Taking a cue from the humble bowling ball, I also considered the item functioning as being capable of gaining momentum if used on a slope, and thus be able to destroy certain obstacles hindering progress. As I continued to work on the idea though, I began to feel that it would be too limited in scope to add new gameplay.

After merging the idea of an item that could increase speed with the mining beam designed to cut through rock, I thought up the idea of a spiked upgrade that would be capable of smashing through certain terrain and obstacles... and with that, being able to use this on demand rather than requiring a slope to build up speed. This immediately appealed to me as being a lot more versatile in how it could be applied to a Metroid game. It could be used to break objects, clear gaps and be used for puzzles such as generating power to open locked doors.

I'm already working on a second proposal, which will again be something used more for a new means of exploring levels. At this early stage, I'm focusing on something that would be a touch more situational but would also hopefully open up new gameplay possibilities where it will apply. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi frank its James! Really brilliant work and well written blog! Keep it up!
