About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Assignment 2 - Still Storming Ideas

I thought I'd take a little time before bed to write up my present thoughts on the current assignment and before I start to upload my first document as well as a neater version of my brainstorming in Illustrator. (Or if I am to be politicially correct, a spider diagram). Though I might also upload the paper versions if that proves to be required.

The task at hand is proving surprisingly challenging to me, in part because of the fact my method of generating ideas deviates from the method we're using in class. I normally think on the subject for a day or so before I whip up any spider diagrams - I think about what I want to achieve, and therefore focus myself in that aspect rather than writing words down to see what comes up.  Being able to think on the spur of the moment is admittedly a weakness I possess. 

I've already listed in the previous blog entry that I was working towards Psychonauts and Legend of Zelda, with a possibility of Metroid. My work so far on both paper and in the cobwebbed catacombs of the braincells that still function within my skull has leant towards generating more ideas for Metroid than the other two. I still hope to create something for Psychonauts, but Zelda has lost some of my interest as I've tried to turn the spider diagrams into something resembling a game mechanic.

Zelda is a game that is very basic in terms of it's core mechanics, and every game has a bunch of unique items and abilities... the platforming segments and seeds in Oracle of Seasons/Ages, the diverse range of parrelel dimensions like the Twilight world in Twilight Princess, light and dark worlds in Link to the Past or even the time travelling between present and future Hyrule in Ocarina of Time ...and so in theory, it shouldn't be that difficult to think up something that adds to the experience. But I'm struggling none the less to come up with something I'd feel would add something to the series. I've considered trying to combine elemental magic (For example, applying fire magic to a tornado to create a fire tornado, or combing fire with the wind boomerang for the same effect)... but for one, it doesn't feel much like Zelda, and for two it felt like it would be far too situational... not to mention complicated control wise.  

Instead, Metroid has grabbed my imagination. Again, the core gameplay mechanics are very solid, but unlike Zelda, I just feel that there is a lot of room to create viable additions that might create new and fun gameplay. The first document I'll be uploading on Monday or Tuesday will relate to a Morphball upgrade.

I'm still concerned I'm overthinking the assignment, but I also want to work hard at it. For now, however, I'm going to hit bed and finish my write up.

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