About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Saturday 29 September 2012

Assignment 2 - More Proposal 2 Thoughts

It is now past 4am, and I honestly should be asleep. But I wanted to write this down before I hit slumberville.

I've been thinking some more since I wrote the previous entry and before I try to write up a neater proposal, and I'm starting to hit the conclusion that the item is more like two items. In that respect, I feel that I'm making things more complicated to explain than I really need to. 

I am going to have to consider simplifying it by removing one component or the other, and out of the two functions, the ability to hover and use the environment to travel further is more compelling and holds more potential for new gameplay than the ability to move freely through water. I like the idea of being able to move around in 8 directions, but it remains a concern that even if implemented it would remain too situational to enhance the gaming experience. The former indeed can be applied to so much more.

When I wake up tomorrow, I'm going to start writing up the new proposal for Tuesday. And I'll decide whether to whittle down the mechanic or see if I can keep the proposal to two pages with the different uses of the same item.

I'm also aware that I am seemingly writing as if I were actually going to implement these features. And I know full well that I won't be. But I am finding it helpful to approach the assignment from that perspective, to not only think of something new but how it would work in the game and how it would be implemented control wise. It is one thing to think of a new feature, and another to see how well it would mesh into the existing game. 

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