About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Monday 3 December 2012

Assignment 6 - 03/12/12 Part 3

I seem to be doing a lot of updates today. But given that development has to be shown, I might as well explain what I'm up to at present.

I decided to ask some friends about their thoughts on the design I had from the previous post, and the feedback was positive... one said that it would make a great Payload Race Map (Another mode in Team Fortress 2, where each team has a bomb that they are trying to push to a goal whilst trying to stop the other team from doing the same.), and to add some platforms and such.

Building/cover placement has proven difficult and it continues to give me grief as I try and finish the design... it is starting to deviate significantly from the top down design I drew up to help me. The main path towards the objective remains relatively unchanged, although the alternate route for the first section of the map has had to be removed due to the space between the first and second section being a lot larger than I thought it would be. I still need to get that alternate route in somewhere, although I also need to think about platforms that players can set up snipers or sentries on, and luckily I'm on the right path I think.

I'm also still having to consider which areas are going to be falling hazards, and which aren't. Without further ago, pictures.

View of the front of the map. The bottom left platform will be the area that robots spawn during each wave.

View of the back of the map. The red circle signifies the bomb chute, and the red roofed blocks are the player spawns.

Top Down view. The basic design is relatively faithful to the drafts.

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