About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Assignment 7 - Luminous Engine

Luminous Engine? A next generation engine currently in development by Square Enix. There, that was a nice start.

In all seriousness however, I've found direct information on what the engine is capable of to be rather... ... sparse. The most recent tech demo released is Agni's Philosphy, a real time demonstration of the engine's capabilities, which I understand many people have already seen in class, but just for emphasis -:

I've only really found articles on gaming sites that hint at the intention of the engine besides improved lighting and an ability to produce pre render quality graphics, with no games presently said to be in development using the technology.



A couple of things that I DID uncover however claim the the engine is capable of reflecting light more efficiently than current gen with colours being reflected off coloured surfaces, and including animation capabilities that automatically adjust character animation when using equipment of different weight or if they are walking on uneven surfaces, something chiefly designed to create increased realism in next generation games. If I were to think of games like Elderscrolls Skyrim, character animations were very fixed even when running or fighting on sloped surfaces, or the entire character rising upwards if stepping on a rock.

On top of that, like in Unity 4, the engine is also planned to be functional for multiple platforms, working on current generation platforms as well  as those of the future, and ranging from consoles to phone devices... with graphics etc being scalable.

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