About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Friday 16 November 2012

Assignment 5 - Some of the Research

I thought I would take this moment of sleeplessness to get up to speed with my assignment. I've hit nearly a thousand words now, so I'm pretty much on the home stretch and just need to add some images to aid my writing.

I'm now going to list the sources I have made use of in addition to the general knowledge that comes from four to five years of playing the game. (Jah. I'm a Grizzled Veteran, and my digital gold medal says so. If only I was good at the game.)


The website discusses the history of Team Fortress 2's development, which whilst it is not directly relevant to the deconstruction I'm writing,


Nothing to do with Team Fotress 2 exclusively. I was just trying to find the first game that utilised a kill feed and in what manner. I failed.

The Art Of Team Fortress 2

A series of videos created by Soul Graffiti discussing the artistic influences of the game, whether in terms of scenery, character design or story (Which isn't an area I'm focusing on in the assignment, given the focus on gameplay). I watched these a couple years back and found them to be very interesting, if not inspiring.


Part of http://www.teamfortress.com , this wiki contains a lot of information surrounding classes, weapons, maps, hats and ingame terms and mechanics. 


Again part of the above website, this page simply features the artwork and concept art of Team Fortress 2... or at least, the concept art so far released. Simply an inspiration, and naturally enlightening to watch the art style of the character designs shift as the game took on it's present appearance.


Whilst I'm not sure if I'm going to have much left to write about level design in the assignment... or if it is even relevant to the core design of the game, this page again discusses the map types in Team Fortress 2 ... more for prospective level designers, really.

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