About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Monday 26 November 2012

Assignment 6 - Things To Consider

Oh boy. Things to consider. Yeah. I've not made the sort of progress I'd have hoped to have made by now, mostly because it seems like I am in demand until Friday and this is lowering my mood for doing work. But I've done what all that I could with the time I've had.

When designing a Mann vs Machine map, I have to consider a number of things that must be included. As mentioned previously, there must be a player spawn and a robot spawn. But beyond that...

  • There must be additional spawning points within the map for Spy Robots. Seeing as they do not enter the map in front of players but behind them.
  • There must be one or two spawning points for tanks to enter the map, which is generally in the same area as the normal robot spawn. The difference being that they appear from behind fences on ground level.
  • I believe with the player spawns, there needs to be either one large spawn point that includes two stores where players can upgrade their weapons, or two smaller spawns each with a store. 
  • Some maps do not have holes with which to dispose of a carried bomb. Instead, they have bridges which bomb carrying enemies can be pushed off, which means that the bomb carrier must backtrack down a path to return to the main route. I have a choice between having pits or having these lower paths. 
  • Maps are generally rectangular in shape, which allows players plenty of distance to keep the robots away from their base.
  • Players must be able to see which robots they will be fighting before they enter the map. This can be done with elevated ground the players can stand on or a slope that the robots run down.

 I'll be bringing some graph paper into class tomorrow to get started on a more elaborate map design if I manage to get a scribbled version down in time. I know I'm looking at having four paths for the enemies to run down, and I know that the players will be defending their point in a junk yard. I'm looking at using barns to help keep players in the map, and that is about all I can write right now. Tired.

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