About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Assignment 6 - More Level Design

That is right.

So my idea had been to create a sort of road style map, with a gas station and a scrap yard incorporated into the design. And to be perfectly honest, it sounded better in my head than when I committed it to paper. The basic flaw was that I was imagining the world quite flat, as one would really expect for a desert gas pump station. I tried to fiddle with a different design more based on farmland, but that didn't interest me greatly.

I initially lost hope on the idea of an MVM map. But inspiration struck me whilst I was on the bus to college on Tuesday (27th) as I began to think instead of something along the lines of a vertical based level. Mountain trails. The sort of little retreats one might go to with the Scouts or something along those lines. I thought mostly about the sort of precarious roads hugging the edges of steep cliffs as seen in many a film... and ran with that sort of theme. A level heavy on the potential for knocking robots back, but where a misplaced step could lead to certain doom.

(By the way, that recurring fellow is called Bill Dup)

I'm still not sure, honestly. I tried to create a mock up in Illustrator that I coud try and work out smaller details like obstacles or buildings, and I ended up making the map fold back on itself a little bit. I made a rudimentary key to go with it, but forgot to include the yellow, which represents the straight path to the bomb chute.

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