About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Friday 23 November 2012

Assignment 6 - Initial Thoughts

Right. So Assignment 6 is to design a 3D level in Google Sketchup using a game of our choice, or even our own levels from the earlier 2D level design. My mind isn't in the right place at present, as a long trip to Sheffield for no discernible reason at the crack of dawn would probably do to most gentlemen of the 21st Century.

I've given the task some thought, and although my plans at present are to try and recuperate from what has been a busy week packed to the brim with early mornings and late nights, I have decided that I'm going to focus my attention on creating a Mann Vs Machine map for Team Fortress 2. Partly because I can't envision extending my 2D level design despite initially wanting to, and partly because it would simply be fun to try and make something I've always wanted to do for a game I enjoy immensely. Of course, I'm under no illusion that we're working in a program that won't translate to any game engine, but it never does any harm to have a dream. Besides that, over the christmas holiday it might be a fun little project to learn how to use the Source engine and create a rough version. At least, if I get that far.

I shall be scanning some pages from my book and uploading some found imagery at some point over the weekend, and my early ideas are focused around the idea of a highway, with a middle of nowhere gas station and scrap yard. I'm not expecting miracles in Google Sketchup, so the plan at present is to only create rough silhouettes of objects rather than attempt to create perfect likenesses. I've also been dissecting the existing MVM maps to try and get a rough idea on how to approach the design... given that one has to consider the players as well as the paths for the AI team to follow.  Again, those drawings will be uploaded in due course.

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