About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Assignment 3 Conclusion/Level Design Initial Thoughts

Oh golly. Two blog posts in one? Might as well, seeing as these entries are going to be short individually.

So the deadline for assignment 3 has been and passed, and I feel absolutely exhausted. As my previous blog entries will testify, I worked on two very different ideas in terms of themes and mechanics, as well as differing target audiences, and I hope that the documents have done the development work justice. I enjoyed doing the work, and it was really great turning vague ideas into something almost credible.

And as for the lastest task in creating a level on paper... I'm going to confess here and now that I'm feeling a bit nervous about it. My mind works in mysterious ways, and even when I was drawing up imaginary levels for imaginary games when I was younger, my grasp on the actual design of levels was sorely lacking. It is almost a mental block.

That being said and done, I've already got a rough idea for what I actually want to do whilst using the abilities to "Walk, Sprint, Jump, and Slide", and it is really going to be about making the level fit the idea in my head. I am, however, taking a day off from work today (Friday) to just kick back and relax... so I'll be getting to work on the level design over the weekend.

With the fear that I'm overthinking and therefore overdrawing the design at this early stage, I'm going to be cutting out paper shapes to stick onto a sheet of paper, at least until I feel I have something I can work with. I'll take photographs if I can reclaim my camera recharging cable from diabolical theft.


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