About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Saturday 13 October 2012

Assignment 3 - Some Late Researching

A bit of a quick entry. 

I've been racking my brain thinking of a viable alternative to zombies for my survival horror concept document, so I can complete the writing and have a greater focus for any accompanying concept art I might do.

The earliest idea was to look at a supernatural threat like ghosts, which would certainly delve into more psychological horror than it would survival horror... but frankly, I didn't feel all that convinced that it would prove that interesting. So I moved onto aliens, which immediately poses some interesting ideas. People are meant to disappear, and possibly reappear later as tramatised and insane enemies.However, like the ghosts, I worried about whether it would really work. I've always imagined aliens as a very 50's/60's phenomenon and doing something with aliens set in 1948 might not gel well.

However, I decided to do a bit of research on the offchance that I might have a stronger base to work with, and that paid off very well indeed. I've started looking into something that the allies of WW2 referred to as "Foo-Fighters.". Bright lights in the sky, disk shaped objects in the air. 

I'm not sure I really need to go too deeply into any of this in terms of the actual work, but that being said... I am in the practice of collecting reference material. It can help me establish the tone I want to set, and if I'm working on something historical, it benefits me to be able to see the fashions and styles. Making use of extra terrestrials for the enemies also affords me the opportunity to look at the differing depictions of aliens... and whether I can make the classic silver disks into something very sinister... and I think I can. 

I'm rambling again. Hopefully I'll have some work up over the next day or two.

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