About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Friday 5 October 2012

Assignment 3 - More Idea Dumping

That's right. I'm chucking up some more things I'm feeling oddly compelled to write about. This time, on the subject of the co-operative puzzle platformer.

The idea of binding two characters together originally came from an experience where I was playing Rayman Origins with my parents. Kooky, I know, but I felt like seeing how a game with simple controls could be picked up by people that don't really play games. Also because I am so, so lonely and without any friends to play computer games with. The results were inevitable, and it somewhat had me thinking about how else someone could possibly play a game together with someone who may not have the same gaming experience... but also to have that aspect of one leading the other without relegating the second player into the role of just providing supporting fire. There is no definite answer to this.

Which lead me to an old idea I had once had (Really old. Talking about a whole decade) about two characters bound together by a link that prevents them from being seperated. That was originally envisioned as a comic more than anything, and more recently I had been interested in updating old designs as part of my continued attempts to improve my drawing and design skills. Coming together with this assignment, I can already see how this could create interesting gameplay. 

I am still working out how I'm going to go about constructing a more substantial proposal for the concept. At the moment, I'm looking at whether the characters will have unique abilities to compliment each other or if they will be identical in function. I'm also exploring how I can use the 'chain' bond that keeps them together to create new puzzles and possibly require their differing abilities to navigate the environment. 

This'll be fun.

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