About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Assignment 3 - Storming Ideas

I'm working at the moment to draw some images and collect pictures from ideas I've written in the past, but for the time being, I thought I'd write down the ideas I'll be bringing along to tomorrow's lesson.

1. The Admineer

A stylised and comedy themed 2D open world platformer with light rpg elements, set in a world where the internet is manifested as super powers.

The semi competent hero Admineer returns to his beloved city Turnet to discover that all the other heroes have disappeared, and crime is rampant. After he is attacked and robbed of his crime fighting gear and secret hide out by an imposter, the Admineer sets out to reclaim his equipment and restore order to Turnet. Fighting on the ground and in the skies, he'll stop at nothing to vanquish the new super villain and shake off his needy ex sidekick.

The Admineer's main forms of attack are his banhammer and arm cannon, and he uses public transport or his jet pack to travel the city of Turnet.

He can make use of "Justice Dispensers" (Vending Machines) located throughout the world to acquire new weapons and upgrade his suit.

2. Potson Panz
A 2D puzzle platformer set in ancient ruins on an alien world, the player will be cast as a mismatched pair of protagonists - A treasure hunter called Pottson and a genie like monster that lives in a clay pot called Panz. After being cursed for stealing a priceless relic and taking on the form of a monster, the treasure hunter must work with the genie that cursed her to restore his powers in the hope that he will then lift said curse off of her.

The two characters each have their unique abilities, and must cooperate and work together/use each other to solve puzzles, and travel deeper into the ancient ruins, battling those that think Pottson is a monster and retrieve stolen relics from fellow treasure hunters.

 Pottson has a no nonsense, serious nature that  remains focused under stress, and is clearly bemused by the chain of events that have lead her to her present condition - the change into a creature however has only improved her keen agility and use of parkour for navigating the underground networks of the ruins. Panz, on the other hand, is a sarcastic and self centred individual with very little respect for anyone or anything... also leading him to be very aggressive and condescending, with his strengths largely aiding in exploring and making use of magic. 

3. Black Moore

A 3D survival horror game set in late 1930's Britain. The protagonist is an army deserter and black market smuggler laying low in the North of England when a peculiar phenomenon begins to take hold in the county he has taken refuge in, when people start disappearing and creatures start stirring in the night. As 5 days pass, things grow more desperate and villages start to go quiet, acculmulating with a city in flames.

The game also holds an element of time travel in the vein of Groundhog Day, with the protagonist reliving the same five days over and over, giving him the ability to work out the mystery through exploration and subtly change how events unfold.

The character not only has to deal with the disappearences and resulting creatures, he must also avoid the local police who are actively searching for him. He will encounter many npcs throughout his journey who will shed light on the phenomenon and ultimately help him preventing the tragedies unfolding.

Whilst events largely repeat themselves, the character has an option of keeping the items he has gathered in his travels via the use of vinyl records that he must uncover or purchase.

(Also, I know we're not allowed zombies. And vampires are lame. Ideas right now are to do with radio waves and aliens)

4. (No Title)

Action RPG and black comedy with an emphasis on crafting and combining items/weapons, set in a vaguely dystopian future where most of the world has fallen into disrepair, and most of the population now live in domed cities. A world where five supermarkets have become giant corporations that compete with one another for land which is still arable. A world where nearly everything is now recycled, including people, as resources continue to dwindle. Supermarkets that sell everything from groceries to weapons.

There isn't too much I can really say on the idea, other than it was based on a dream I had where supermarkets ruled the world, and one invented a shopping trolley that generated happiness - a happy shopper is a shopper that will buy more. I combined it with another dream where I was working in a very posh hotel run by a computer and populated with affluent old world people, and yet going outside, the world was ragged and broken, the hotel being independant of the world outside regardless of those that tried to reap it's resources.

I only have a vision of a future that is struggling to avoid the cliches of most post apocolyptic scenarios. A world where things ARE getting worse, but haven't collapsed entirely into survival of the fittest. Where recycling and natural energy are now being pursued, and where companies kill for that extra bit of land where they can grow produce to sell to the masses. I envision it as an rpg, or a story that takes varying perspectives... one that doesn't really have a clear cut "Goody vs Baddy" distinction.

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