About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Sunday 7 October 2012

Assignment 3 - Continued

(Post will be updated with illustrations to accompany the ideas listed here)

I'm presently working on how to work out the puzzle platformer idea "Pottson Panz". For the most part, I've been developing the idea of a bond that keeps the two characters from moving too far apart from one another, as I have mentioned previously... and how to make it a larger aspect of the game. Not that it wasn't in the first place... more that thinking of the game in terms of being two player has opened up my mind to alternatives.

I originally envisioned the game concept as an exploration based affair, with new abilities to be acquired as the game progressed, although keeping the above in mind, I am increasingly working towards the idea of making the game level based to better augment a focus on puzzle solving. 

I remain in a position where I'm unsure whether to have the characters function identically, or whether I should run with the idea that one player is in control whilst the second player follows, and as a result allow the players to have different abilities that they will use to help each other with. I'm also considering whether to include timed abilities that can be collected/used in certain levels, given that I feel with a concept like this, simplicity would be key in avoiding overwhelming players with too many mechanics all at once.

For now, however, one mechanic that has found it's way into my sketchbook is something I'm calling a sling shot. Working on the principle that when one player presses and holds a button, they can stand still and pull against the movement of another player moving in any direction. This in itself could be used for smaller things like lowering a player over a ledge to retrive a collectible item placed over a hazard/trap. However, the way I'm envisioning this at the moment is that if the bond that holds the two players together is stretched by one player moving and the other holding back... releasing would catapult the first player over a set distance, and this could be used for clearing large gaps, swinging up to a high ledge, or even to demolish an obstacle. 
It'll be clearer when I have the illustrations uploaded, but I think something like this could be the beginning of something interesting. 

I'm going to continue exploring the ideas here for as long as I have left. At this point, I'm going to make the decision to drop my action platformer in favour of this one, and also continue to work on ideas for the time travelling game concept.


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