About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Assignment 3 - Document 2 Pottson Panz

Pottson Panz

Pottson Panz is a 2D puzzle platformer set in a bright cartoon world, and designed for both single player and co op gameplay using a new tether mechanic to encourage teamwork and humour to appeal across a broad audience.

Story Overview

Chief Protagonis Genuine Lee, Head of Pilfer Inc
In a far off galaxy that isn't the Milky Way, a mining company called Pilfer Inc owned by a man called Genuine Lee has laid claim to a small planet filled to the brim with hallmarks of an ancient civilization. Soon discovering that they could make a fortune in selling any relics they can get their hands on, the company starting hiring relic hunters to ransack the ruins and temples hidden deep underground for relics and treasures, ignorant of the vengeful spirits growing more and more furious at the shameless theft of their possessions. Many of these hunters have fallen to the dark curses and treacherous traps hidden beneath the planet surface... but the lure of fame and glory spurs many more to make their way to this now infamous planet.

Pottson is one such relic hunter, renowned amongst her peers as exceptionally daring and focused in her quest to travel to the deepest catacombs and risk life and limb to bring back nothing less than the most valuable of treasures. Her reckless raiding and thieving eventually catches up with her however, when she finds herself trapped in a chamber, awakening by a disgruntled Djinn called Panz when she attempts to steal the precious vase he has slumbered in for millennia, largely dis-empowered from years of the relics that give him magic being snatched during his hibernation.

Cursing Pottson with the appearance of a chameleon, Panz demands that she work for him in helping to undo the damage she and her relic hunting acquaintances have brought down upon the ancient world, and reclaim the sources of his powers in the process... or else she will be condemned to wandering the chambers and catacombs as a wild monster like so many others who have fallen before her. With the latter choice proving unappealing, Pottson has little option but to reluctantly team up with the Djinn in the hope that by helping Panz, she will be able to lift her curse and escape the world with plans on a career change.
Protagonists Pottson and Panz, tethered together via the purple pot on Pottson's back

Pottson Panz” is a cooperative 2D puzzle-platformer with local and internet play, where the players must use their brains, unique abilities and each other to traverse bright and vibrant hand drawn worlds, and explore the ruins of ancient civilizations in a blend of science fiction and ancient myth as you set out to free yourselves from the vicious curse of a disgruntled god.
Play as the treasure hunter turned cursed abomination Pottson and her wayward spirit guide Panz in a brand new co-operative platforming challenge. Connected to one another by an unbreakable bond (more physical than proverbial), you and a friend must work together to take on and overcome the odds stacked against you. Race across diverse landscapes, avoid ancient traps and battle treasure hunters and creatures doomed to roam the decrepit catacombs hidden deep underground. Travel across the land to lift the curse that keeps you stuck to your 'friend' before you join the twisted spirits of those greedy

Why Is The Game Fun?

Pottson Panz will use a new tether mechanic to encourage experienced player and players new to the platforming genre to play together and create a new approach to co op gameplay and teamwork. With the added humour from two very different characters that don't get along, the game will provide a challenge whilst avoiding harsh penalties for failure in co op.

Panz acting as a rope whilst Pottson acquires stolen treasure

Pottson holds back whilst Panz dashes in the opposite direction in preparation for a catapult shot

Another demonstration of the catapult mechanic for travelling longer distances than a regular jump.
Key Features

- Fast paced platforming with an emphasis on team work to solve fiendish puzzles.
- The unique tether mechanic used to keep you tied to your friend can also be used to swing and catapult your way through the world.
- Drop In/Drop Out Co-Op gameplay makes it easy to get a friend to join or leave your game at any point.
- Many ways to play On top of platforming, collect one of many power ups and escort stolen treasure to spice up the gaming experience.
- Immerse yourself in 8 distinct painterly environments that blends quirky technology with ancient myth and legend.

2D Puzzle Platformer, with comedy and fantasy leanings.

Target Audience

The game is going to be looking at an E for Everyone rating and will be aimed at both casual players and those looking for a challenge.

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