About This Blog

I am a student at Futureworks currently in my first year of their Games Development Course. This blog largely comprises of work and illustrations made in relation to assignments, as well as the very occassional opinion pieces or information I happen to believe may be relevent to my fellow students on the course.

Thursday 4 October 2012

Assignment 3 - Refining The Ideas

Today's class went rather well, and as ever it was interesting to listen to the different ideas people have been coming up with. Indeed, it was great discussing and talking about them, and I'll be watching with interest to see how they develop over the coming fortnight.

I understand that we're working on only two ideas, after the feedback today I still believe I'm going to at least make the effort to develop three until I can gauge responses and decide which two are going to be strong enough to make into documents. 

This is mainly because I was actually caught offguard with the response to my time travelling idea set in the second world war. It wasn't really as developed as I was hoping to have it for the lesson, but this turned out to be fairly positive, for the possibilities that cropped up as a result are going to be exciting to explore, even as I type I'm starting to think up creative ways of using the time looping nature of the game as a great mechanic. The challenge lies in whether I can make it interesting enough.

I'm also definitely going to develop the co op puzzle platformer some more as well... again, the idea was presented vaguely... all I really knew going in gameplay wise was that the two characters were going to be held together, and it'll be fun figuring out how to use that premise creatively. I can already envision

The easiest idea for me to develop will be the super hero game. Only really because the ideas are already fairly concrete in my head, even if I kept it as brief as I could in class. I'm not going to give it special attention however... seeing as I now also really want to work on the other two ideas. The Admineers unique premises function more in how items are collected and upgraded to allow the player to customise their hero. I'm not explaining it too well, and I'm not going to try to until I've got some concrete ideas on paper.

Unrelatedly, I need to get a new sketchbook. I'm surprisingly impressed that I've managed to get through a whole book within a month of starting the course. I used a thinner book because I wasn't sure how much I'd be using it... turns out I might need to get a thicker one. A trip to Fred Aldous is inevitable.


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